i wonder when and how societies will cease to be schocked by the darkness that lies within the human psyche.
we willfully ignore the violence and hatred and possibility for doing harm onto ourselves, the environment and others both physically and mentally, this thing that lies within ourselves, in the foolish belief that if we don't acknowledge it, maybe it goes away.
then this darkness spews out at the seams, in a fermented, repressed and sneaky manner. sometimes as memes, sometimes as sexism, sometimes as outright war. it mutates, it has a life of its own, and spreads like wildfire once it figures out the right buttons. just like memes.
pretending its not there doesnt help. pretending it shouldnt be there doesnt either. the best thing that i believe one can do is acknowledge that it is a part of the human psyche, because only then you can learn to recognise it before it spreads too much, first and foremost in ourselves. master it, lest it masters you.
but as long as we recognise harm to be only what other people do to themselves or onto others, like scared children that hope the bad things go away when you close your eyes, for all our technicall prowess, we will forever be, idiots.
memes catch on because they are far more scary than what lies in the emotional mirror. standard packetized bitesized pieces of emotion that go in front of our eyes to the giant /dev/null bucket in the sky. manageable. even the horrible ones, are far more manageable than the things you find out you are capable of, morally.