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@dan %NURMnZAETWZZaxoZOOjKYm8C+DQIUVSn54/US082kYw=.sha256
Re: %W5tFGtKQw


@kieran "The Dark Crystal interface doesn't at the moment allow a person to return a shard unless requested. But if the coconut robber has requested the bitcoin key shard back, it could easily be confused for forwarding the SSB key shard to a different identity. The interface really has to get a proper handle on this."

This is interesting. This is another consent/warning/power tools thing we need to think about in the flows. When you see that a friend has requested their shard back we should have a confirmation box which says "Have you checked with your friend on another protocol that it is really them requesting the shard and that their computer hasn't been stolen. Check with your friend!"

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