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@Hendrik Peter %Qb4Gtrg7/aQ9hBqbRfIJog2pIWZ1Zw3IoBiLFvqrt54=.sha256
Re: %0b3qiUJzY

Hey sorry for the late response, packing for a hike here.

Nice! so that would mean that patchql doesn't jsut add to the stack, but actually replaces something. That is good news! I agree with your concerns, even though the hub in it's current state (depending on the kind of machine of course) can only run a small batch. Spinning up a kubernettes to go large scale is incredibly expensive and not worth it.

I'm going to perfect some small things in the little time I can actually spend coding this week and read up a bit on stuff Piet and the others posted while dissecting a few libraries from Sunrise choir that I still need to spit thorugh and taking a peak at how you did your "back-end in the front-end" on Manyverse.

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