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@Dominic %QnKAtoIhgxUOjk9/3h4/PGc22K6PLX3XyTTxasNP00I=.sha256
Re: %YZ8dY4zNT

eeeeI just want to say that comprehensive moderation features have been part of the plan since the time that ssb was just an idea. I won't be happy until marginalized people feel that ssb can be a safer space than twitter, fb, etc. There is a lot of work to do to get there, though, but we are working towards it.

I intend to implement private groups (like fb groups, etc - for controlling who can see messages) - this is fairly complicated, probably next few months.

Also, another idea is delegative moderation - basically you choose someone (or multiple people) and you automatically block who they block. I think this would have the best of both worlds - you can have moderation, but without having moderation thrust upon you (since that can also be a vector of abuse). This would actually be fairly simple to implement. Maybe you could also have a invite code that defaulted to the inviter's moderation policy - this way when you invite someone, they'd onboard into the space you inhabit, so you can be confidant they'll land safely.

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