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@xj9 %RENShQ3cYUmzVgyJr3ZdhpXliSeMAwbRD/00wUeUWdc=.sha256
Re: %MZCHPVkh8

so boundaries are fascist now? wew lad/lass, that's a bit much. nobody is entitled to inclusion in my social circles. i pick my own friends. a community has every right to be as inclusive or exclusive as the members like. one of the great things about Scuttlebutt is that nobody controls the infrastructure. if you want to set up an open pub, you're welcome to! there is a lot of work being done to make that easier to do!

operating a pub is a purely voluntary action on my part. if you want an open pub, set one up. i have the right to create my own spaces online, and i have the right to exclude anyone i please from said spaces. i'm not sorry that we disagree, and i'm definitely not going to adjust my behavior to conform to what your ideology says is "correct behavior".

we can get along, with the condition that you don't try to tell me what to do. m'kay?

against consensus

is an important thing to bring up here. the tech is made to put you in charge of your own perception of the network. some of us prefer more tightly nit group, others want to have a more open thing that mirrors reddit or twitter.

here's the deal tho, on reddit there are both open and closed groups. some subs have rules, others don't, the enforcement of said rules varies too. however, without the ability to define boundaries the loudest most aggressive voices are always going to dominate the conversation. i might like you or agree with you (or not), but none of these give you a right to take up space and consume resources on my computer or my pub.

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