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Re: %BC5kpkVtA

Fayettenam update -- heat of summer update

The past two weeks, @gb and I have been cut back to only Sunday shifts at the restaurant. There are a lot of servers there. It's nothing personal. I've been picking up, and g has been pursuing other jobs.

But it seems kind of pointless to continue on this path. Fayetteville, wtf? Why are we here? The only reason we were here was because of g's family, and now that they are either dead or assholes that seems kind of pointless.

So where do we go? What do we do? I have no idea.

We've been talking with @scott about housing in Oakland. I love Oakland, it's rowdy.

I've also been thinking about NYC, because of the opportunities. And because NYC is so boring, because I lived there for 8 years, I figure it should be pretty easy to get jobs in restaurants there by just walking around and trying to get hired on the ground.

I should also mention that we don't have a car, in North Carolina, which is just about the weirdest thing you can do here. Everyone has a car. Walking is weird, and for poor people. We're poor people, and weird people. We should probably go somewhere where poor and weird people are ok. Right?

So I see @johnny post about his hot spring, and @gb says 'ok, I'm johnny level bad now.' and I understand. @gb has obviously crossed over to the other side now. Back in the day, when we lived with @johnny and @substack and @maxogden @luk (RIP), we weren't so desperately crazy for some alternative reality where we collected rain water and tried to figure out what is next towards overturning the oppressive technological faceist regime in The Valley.

But for now, we're making a few bucks here and there serving on Sundays and picking up shifts, and @gb got to host last night which is probably $15. It's stupid. What's the point? Should we throw all caution to the wind and fuck shit up?

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