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@ev %TnH+wf5S/5aJ6Cwpg4sc1UGJQuK/i+IaJKzbLg1iKAw=.sha256
Re: %JjSO5d5/l

@dominic Thanks for going into depth here. The truth about this topic is I'm not sure what the right approach is here, because I don't have enough experience with cryptography to implement it myself. I'm just concerned that sameAs could be the wrong approach, and when you're messing around with crypto you don't want implement security issues -- as they lead to security exploits, and thus lead to people writing about how your software got exploited. Right now ssb has managed to avoid that so far, which is awesome!

@matt Would you be able to clarify the approach you'll be taking towards implementing this grant?

I'm fine with this grant being used to pay you to research towards what the best possible implementation of this is, as this feature is very important. I just want to make sure that it gets implemented the right way at the lowest and most secure level possible.

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