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@mmckegg %UBKaVgeNKxBbOJUY9Ol4e8FNmf5/J6hxURDZ0fRXFy8=.sha256
Re: %DxQpzCl/x


Didn't really do much on Patchwork today. Was stuck down a Loop Drop rabbit hole.

But oh well, when I went to post my rather long dev diary for LD today, found a bug where the message preview is restricted by the max height that was added for "See more" on long posts. However it doesn't show the "See more", so the post just cuts off. :bug:

Need to decide how to best handle the situation. The easy answer is to remove the max height for preview, but on the other hand it could be nice to see a preview that your post is going to be truncated. So in the latter case, we could just add a "see more" on to the preview too! Will decide tomorrow.

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