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@ev %UTn/AoIVVF/4yKI7PKIWrHeWb1q7sTMCWVyYY1XTiCk=.sha256
Created a git repo minbay
@ev %pMFz1ze3+bCiCGt+HWo+UEw9rxnbMZ+vFfmL8mL3hJ4=.sha256

Minbay is a simple-as-possible teardown of Patchbay.


@Dominic %gH53on7itMX6Toayu90HYEetLX+3nmEwSuuGiLPCFTo=.sha256

it would be cool to have this in patchbay, and you could run just min mode, and you could also run extras mode. But if you where leaning the code, you could start by just reading the min code. That is what i was going for with modules_basic but it's not really very refined yet.

@ev %lYr3z/kSG7kzszqt07PSA2zwzQwaYUD6zIh2jVAFFN8=.sha256

@dominic Yes, I think it'd be cool to be able to render minbay, and other clients, straight from Patchbay. Or pull Patchbay in as a dependency and overwrite certain settings? Depject almost gets us there. Maybe I could just rearrange some of the modules so that extra is 100% extra.

In my mind I see this moving towards the independent clients being able to pull modules down as blobs based on what they've declared in index.js

@ev %xUOAwqcnsAoAEzONHVXFN2GoVBe/MgbF1PU9LBoYNWo=.sha256

I realized the photo in this above thread is old. This is how %minbay looks now.


@ev %9PAhMPPY333hwdLXxhmRabYhKYdxVSpcG/eIYd3rXZM=.sha256

Another photo of %minbay because I need one to use on the about tab.


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