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@Hendrik Peter %Uih03GSy0tlmshYuV9M8V+mmeJunPReDnmj+r7R8AW0=.sha256
Re: %/mE187Ryw

I'm liking it a lot, apparently it can (after a patch) execute (a slightly stripped down version) of python; opening up the way for a lot of support for sensors/GPIO already used with full-fledged pies.

Then there is the really neat ribbling going on on the side, allowing the board to be soldered to other boards sitting directly next to it and share GPIO bridges (or even just having cables, etc soldered to its side instead of top/bottom. I'd love to see that practice ported over to Arduionos!

I need to get my hands on one of these and start messing around with it (after I've found a proper use-case that is :p).

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