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@aljoscha %nyVUxxGpG+RfsrcrbWmWxrsTZiHgLBcnINBua5ZqKXU=.sha256

@hoodownr There isn't a single unique way to sort it, there are multiple topological sortings. The important part is to not violate the partial order, e.g. you should never sort me::6 before alice::11, since we now that alice::11 has already existed when me::6 was created. But we have no idea whether me::8 existed prior to alice::12 or the other way around, so you could tiebreak in any way you want (in ssb, you could e.g. tiebreak using the claimed timestamp, or you might simply use whatever ordering the topsort algorithm produces).

Your table corresponds to a graph where there is a directed edge from me::4 to me::3, me::5 to me::4 and alice::11 and bob::44, me::6 to me::5, me::7 to me::6, ..., me::9 to me::8 and alice::13 and bob::45, me::10 to me::9 and bob::46. That's the graph you do the topological sort on. Since every entry points to its predecessor (not as explicit tangle links, but through the backlink in the metadata), entries within a single feed are always ordered correctly. The exact interleaving of the feeds might be arbitrary, but it would always respect the causal order expressed by the tangle.

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