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@SoapDog %QzKJV6Bk3yZoa6E1GagPTtw90QwfuYfCynuZ4p2+HTw=.sha256

Did the way to install plugins changed? I don't see a plugin command on ssb-server or sbot anymore... I'm a bit out of date. I basically want to install ssb-blobs-purge to my ~/.ssb/ I don't know what is the best way of doing it these days.

@cel-desktop %lvLBrXSGAulTwaFSUBKCgttC0/mO2BAnXvLOCnI+KsY=.sha256


The sbot/ssb-server command is plugins.install. It is available currently only in ssb-server CLI or Scuttle Shell. (Other ssb-server distributions don't include the plugin feature.) There also a bug where ssb-plugins's install command requires a non-null value in the second argument. Adding a dummy flag when using sbot/ssb-server makes it add an object in the second argument which works:

sbot plugins.install ssb-blobs-purge --make-it-work

or with sbotc:

sbotc plugins.install '"ssb-blobs-purge"' {}

This installs the plugin from npm:

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