Really this is one of the key kernels which informed the genesis of the proto-project (which I expanded on in much more detail 6 months ago) which has lead into #mmt . Very simply the question was "what would it take to get my friends involved in crypto" or "how can my friends become peers" or "how can I teach my friends to manage secrets" or "how can I teach my friends how to use a password manager without making them fall asleep".
There was a longer form reflection here.
With the grace and perspective of retrospect I am of the opinion that it was a mistake to focus so much on speculation rather than the simple (or not so simple) affordances of groups being able to securely manage passwords, secrets and private keys. Indeed this a major stream of our research focus within #mmt which can be seen in Socially Robust #interdependent Backups and Social Backups.
My thesis is that this technologies are not socially deterministic. That it is possible to hack and queer technologies built from a libertarian/propertarian mindset, to wrap them in different social logics and to transmute their purposes with an "alien logic" - one more commons oriented.