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@kas %ZMR6f24VvSn3n33iwmeWJ8KZfowwN8b6K0JpUa90OFU=.sha256
$ sbot publish '{"about": "@pubkey=.ed25519", "description": "Ich bin ein Bornholmer", "type": "about"}'
@kas %wCODgwZJ4jT7JsGWWTTX92pK9ZS+ySmKrNZDUqXguag=.sha256

Come to think about it, I believe you can also do:

$ sbot publish --about "$PUBKEY" --description "$DESCRIPTION" --type about
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@kas %wrMgV3W978c172Zx4FOZGaksNtCaa6ffqKCYrOuGyqI=.sha256

Well, the first one made nodejs go in its pants

Can you be more specific? I use that syntax all the time (except I use sbotc, not sbot, because the former is much faster).

the second went through, but it isn't reflecting.

Perhaps somebody else knows whether that syntax is still supported.

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User has not chosen to be hosted publicly
@kas %96bfyC8FFUYFonQQBt0MYzkb1ti2G3AE9SkLGmmtGhM=.sha256

What's not to love about nodejs? :heart_eyes: :heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:

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@kas %6a9igmvOVNyIie5Vu+nDGC/eSh77vKtgelvP2vlyHK0=.sha256

You could downgrade?

$ sbot version
@kas %Mey3iRb9CzBkZipgztGbWvvZqsaE0W79rNYhOIz5L3Q=.sha256

PS: Do you have a connections item in your [optional] ~/.ssb/config? Perhaps that's the missing part?

/cc #help

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@kas %nx7dwRZ0gvwAAhF/Om+NYDGauRPYycVRj4fVqliqvkw=.sha256

I mean on wherever you are trying to set a description.

$ jq .connections < .ssb/config
  "incoming": {
    "net": [
        "external": [
        "host": "",
        "port": 8008,
        "scope": "public",
        "transform": "shs"
    "unix": [
        "scope": "local",
        "server": true,
        "transform": "noauth"
  "outgoing": {
    "net": [
        "transform": "shs"
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