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@cel-desktop %tNurqRT6s4HPD5HgdxrOyC1TNHl48HPwV1rhFeQANJw=.sha256
Voted Turns out the workaround for Patchwork is actually quite simple - just prep
@Danie %d7MzzzykrzlspXT+Ncbj3UXijjHPvER3V6mkkyjdr80=.sha256
Re: %s1S5G3/7l

Turns out the workaround for Patchwork is actually quite simple - just prepend an ! in front of the the link that was created after uploading. That is markdown code to indicate the link is for an image.

@Danie %P0l0pENdGZg5R8hNZ6jo2kdhNtTCZzdogiHFgwEA+D4=.sha256
Re: %s1S5G3/7l

@cel-desktop seems like we aren't getting #webp in #patchwork but I'm wondering if there is any work around, and whether other SSB clients are viewing the webp images OK.

@Danie %cYvV7NI1t8XsuWenkafnv1OEr/wTaO21hp8tHVIl4HY=.sha256
Voted I can see the picture in Patchwork 3.7.16 on Linux, but can I post? ## JPE
@Danie %lw/k8BuLaW0EiX3dAXR0eal6NeC/n2U056KCqxXSZNw=.sha256
Voted # WebP? Do we support the WebP image format around here? Looks fine in pat
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