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@dan %YugZ1Pghnmm41XuyAfP2ZAkcsKYuKvuXdGW7Bl2Ws8g=.sha256
Re: %ZV986t7pA

@Alanna "Also, has the grants person (grant poombah? head grantcho? executive granter?) been specified for this upcoming round yet? I'd like to talk to them about how it could work to have someone (maybe me) coordinating the SSB grant but someone else doing a lot of the work."

@corlock is currently trying to pass the hat

Can someone give me a direct comms link to Zelf? Are they on SSB? Or can I email them or something?

I have emailed everyone who has expressed interest for whome I have an email just now :smiley:

Thanks for showing this leadership @Dan Hassan, despite having so much on your plate right now.

"If You Want Something Done, Ask a Busy Person To Do It".

I'm super keen to see this happen - but won't :sob: if an emergent storm doesn't happen... my spidey senses are tingling though and I feel enlivened when feeling like this, so it's not a drag on the resources that I do have :) I think my boundaries and limitations are hard enough at the moment that I don't even need to think about watching out for burn out :D There are perks to old life choices :D

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