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@mmckegg %aR7RDe35Cb14MD0MYY1tvCck0vXwADYR3s5+68PzIgE=.sha256
Re: %YZ8dY4zNT


This all applies to patchwork too. Although still waiting on an official release of 3.8.x for some of these.

Not sure if this is the case in patchfoo, but blocking someone in patchwork also removes all of their past replies from your feed.

Also patchwork now has info about why you are seeing someone when you hover over their name or visit their profile. If you don't follow them, it tells you how many of your friends block them, or how many of your friends are also friends with them. By friends in this case, I mean bi-directional following (which as @tim has brought up, friends might not be the best description for this state).

Patchwork now also only replicates two hops rather than the default 3 like most of the other clients. This can lead to missing messages (which the interface will tell you about and hint who to follow to find them, or try to guess who the message was from), but I'm hoping that this will encourage better use of pubs and avoid conversations being hijacked by strangers.

Sorry this is pretty rough. I'm planning on writing up a proper detailed post about all this when 3.8 is finally officially released.

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