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@mmckegg %bMFNUebS0k5YQ9CPzqOXbCtrzp3bxV2vXXAibm3JsaM=.sha256
Re: %DxQpzCl/x


Currently trying to convince @Dominic that we should fix a “bug” in ssb-friends that makes it assume messages without a following key are unfollows. This kind of breaks my sameAs spec as above. Did a pull request, we’ll see how it goes!

I can understand his argument for keeping things the way they are since it won’t cause any short-term problems. But I feel that the current behaviour violates conventions found in other places in ssb (such as the way about messages work), and will just be one of those annoying things we regret in the future. I think that contact messages should work the same way (basically an about message about a relationship between two feeds). Since ssb is still young, we could fix this now without much disruption!

(continued, going realtime today!)

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