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@mmckegg %cIW3yGFzq6iFvngLEIfbChCDyYYVpeLu1MumYXNDjkI=.sha256
Re: %DxQpzCl/x


So far spent the day doing more random stuff. Pushed out yet another pre-release v3.8.5! See the change log for what I got up to.

Chased around some weird bugs I introduced yesterday when I tried to improve the timestamps from the future issue.

Updated patchwork-builder to publish assets directly to github! No longer have to manually upload them. Releases are too easy now! Still have to manually write the changelogs though.

Gonna see if I can spend the rest of (what's left of) the day working on sameAs again! I was up to the part where I integrate with patchcore I seem to remember.


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