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@dan %cdh0rjRgBUO/YpWJ82oERR+65JX64oPQjM9znHdvfIM=.sha256
Re: %ZV986t7pA

Have just arrived back to Suva and looking around the house I can see that I have a busy week ahead of me before an international relocation (with child) to Melbourne will mean I am running on low capacity.

Rather than get this grant over the line I will use the capacity that I do have to do the back channel coordination for the Blockchains for Social Good grant. Can someone speak up and act as the lead for this Grant so that we might be able to secure an income for Zelf to act as project lead for Grant push this month. I am sure there will also be monies left over - but it will be giving ourselves the best possible chance for a positive outcome with one of these pots of money over the next month..;.

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