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@Dominic %coNr/sLWxD+iRP/x6A4K5QZGQ1jLauQ/QSdMkwpjiIs=.sha256
Re: %SPzkzorf9

great points here @robin.paulson If we had "repost/retweet" feature implemented, I would use it here.

but, just to be contrary:
In a way, ideas do degrade - because they loose their novelty. Is there anything more exciting than a new idea? When you learn of a new idea, you get the reward for passing it on. A joke is only funny the first time you hear it. Is this sense, there is a consumable value in ideas, but it is in their velocity, their rate of flow, not in their simple presense. see alexander bard - netocracy for some more juicy ideas like this.

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