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@dan %de+qhueUcrqhPoilV7SOMloJarlwSXxB3mTPnGEf0Bo=.sha256
Re: %n44ycT+KP

@Nikolai "Or instead of 3. is there some gathering to stop each member of an N sized cabal having to store N-1 shards, emanating for all the other cabal member's keys?"

this is something which @Kieran and I have spoken about but we haven't sat down and figured out a formal proof for what all of this means - which I have taken on I think a bit with pb to review.

But, yes - what you are getting at is correct, but we have not expanded on implications and effects...

So in the case of sharding a multi-sig wallet are you/we/mmt saying:

  1. Agree the cabal members, the min required members for the wallet, the min required shards to re-create a key
  2. Each person share's their xpub (in a secure way) with the cabal
  3. At the same time as 2. they shard their private key with the cabal

Very loosely, yes this is my understanding of the :dart: of the MVP.

It's useful having your detail and programming lense :microscope: in on it as these are the details that we need to figure out.

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