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@cel-desktop %e3XRNnQ3/rm3InOvbl7piSu+HEdtE7p8Lo4YoBuN5yk=.sha256
Unfollowed @SVMnpeuQ7zRVIkdayCktshahIw6oovJgKiiNoeM5nF8=.ed25519
@cel-desktop %KnEd6fjBLLIeFeMQ1ubK7EaW6GrIw0a29Fl8/zOitiI=.sha256

Apologies @Blake Fulton, there are messages in your feed that trigger a crash in ssb-server (ssb-links).

Attempting to fix in

#ssb #ssb-links

User has not chosen to be hosted publicly
@cel-desktop %X7e37FYOZflDTTp1i5TfvnKr+P4WaKS2jd8F2rfkHnA=.sha256

@will that's reasonable. I've published ssb-links v3.0.10 with the patch now, so re-installing ssb-server should now get the updated ssb-links which will not crash on these messages.

@cel-desktop %gDEWgYVcxeZGYQD5V9Q1o4dzEqDxTGQAY+iqatgJqLo=.sha256

Unblocked, as the issue is fixed in latest versions, and an advisory has been posted.

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