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@Dominic %fHtYWTfreCGk+cthi5dKhn1wTOjw+nn7YoYMy5Wlj0s=.sha256
Re: %rciFuVmIA

@christianbundy yes, add an unboxer via sbot plugin.

{type: 'blob' , blob: '&...' }

The problem with this, is that it doesn't tell us anything about whether we actually want to get that blob. Maybe I want to follow your photo galleries, but not your git repos. blobs cost in both bandwidth and round-trips. If we have ways to avoid downloading too many blobs, we can make more blob heavy applications - without having to force that weight on everyone. so a blob based message should include some minimal metadata to make it easier to for applications to use, without parsing every blob.

Of course, now we've gone in a circle back to the current design.

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