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@mmckegg %grd1GhvayvAMeq3j1HvlE+X5dPuvnhMIUzlGDfGgVIo=.sha256
Re: %DxQpzCl/x


Reorganised things a wee bit today. Now only using a single graph to represent sameAs self assertions and local agreements. The graph value is now an array containing:

  • [0] value specified by source
  • [1] value specified by target
  • [2] local value

Still using the same logic to decide whether a feed should be merged, but this is now done at the graph level (using my own reachable reducer) instead of using the separate fold step.

Realtime updates are still pretty inefficient (has to recalculate final values for all feeds, rather than just a subset).

But the tests pass! I think we’re getting close to being able to push some code!

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