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@Pat Shannahan %kOL7HIgX9BxTuA2+0iBO9Fg9elYYlsCB2ESkDsEnSnQ=.sha256

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of rescuing this furry guy. He’s now a central part of our family. #dogsmakelifefun

planetary attachment no.1

@Madison %nP3/s+O8sEtI0YRaBxFxLvOhgtrqBP4QxahSz9wkp3w=.sha256
Voted Yesterday was the one year anniversary of rescuing this furry guy. He’s now
@Budka %zO7joXZCE8xtUk9QmPNlsmb2XqzT+AJqEyP435hxfbo=.sha256
Voted Yesterday was the one year anniversary of rescuing this furry guy. He’s now
@Nico [ iOS ] %CO2FYXEJiRJ7sZI3e35GjaU1kvSqUQVDH6tBlZRyULM=.sha256
Voted Yesterday was the one year anniversary of rescuing this furry guy. He’s now
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