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@ev %mFHR0qmpSgPpnGP0ORV9kd9JqP6xCCNQksE4OAtmw5A=.sha256
Re: %EcGxhkiZO

@elavoie You're not syncing for gb, so I'm going to reply to your message. I think it's because of the time your messages were posted out of timestamp order?

This is not helping me want to help you guys. Moreover, given that the Adjudicator role is performed entirely voluntarily, pressuring to reverse decisions may even back-fire and drive people away from trying to Adjudicate in the future for fear of public retaliation. That could kill the current ssbc-grants process.

I'm not worried about killing the current ssbc-grants process. I think that it's been poorly managed since the beginning, and has always resulted in political battles in order to push grants through. I understand that andre decided to agree to being adjudicator, so the political stress is somewhat directed at him. But, in the end the person deciding these grants has always been dominic.

It would have been a lot easier for others to chime in and complement @ev feedback on the proposal if that entire discussion about what constitutes a good proposal had been public in the first place...

I agree with you about this. The proposal processes has always been vague, so it's always been unclear what the correct way to submit a proposal is.

From my point of view now it seems there is behind-the-scene machinations about how to get grant money and then public outrage when the preferred outcome is not achieved. This is counter-productive and frustrating.

As for behind-the-scenes, gb and I live in the same apartment, so we have discussions. I did discourage her from applying, because I knew that it would be a political battle. As for other behind-the-scenes mechinations, I have no idea what conversations are happening in NZ around these grants. If there are other conversations happening, feel free to make them public.

The next round of proposal requests is two weeks away. The next decision will be four weeks away. That leaves plenty of time to rework the proposal while being close enough that it does not completely kills the momentum of your idea.

But there were three proposal slots, and three proposals. Why was gb's scuttled, and yours let through?

Specifically to @ev, there is not enough money available in grants now to be a long term revenue strategy for all people making contributions. My proposal is a step in facilitating the creation of many associations world-wide specifically to increase the money and resources available to everyone. If you want more details about it, let's have a discussion.

If I hear you correctly you're saying your proposal is proposing to get us more money to give to more people. How do you propose that you'll get these funds?

On a different topic, how can we make sure @elavoie is syncing for everyone?

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