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@mmckegg %mX1aqryYobH92HTLRppdzSqAu4cS3WBpHnnJFszC5bU=.sha256
Re: %DxQpzCl/x


I realised that I need to rewrite my index to be based on a graph (just like ssb-friends). The sameAs values are very similar to the friend graph, just a lot smaller. Should be traversed backwards and forwards to find all the links. This will allow for multiple identities to be merged (linear chain / star shaped).

So I’m going to try taking the ssb-friends code and adapting it to work for sameAs: true instead of following: true where a sameAs: false is similar to the way blocking: true is handled.

Agreements will need to be handled separately. Index any sameAs posts made by you separately then use these to confirm a walk when only one side links up.

We shouldn’t have to modify ssb-friends at all, instead we’ll make a new plugin called ssb-same-as. It will interface with gossip directly to ensure that sameAs identities are gossiped correctly.

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