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@Hendrik Peter %npuNHpsJX+6UM8OJQ490EAsi+ivTImhkmQzDzP5QFOU=.sha256

We had a season start for Loungehack yesterday (, prior to the event one of the people from the stockholm gang came with the idea to use

screenie.jpg creates a virtual 2d space, where organizers can put down some markers, people can then chat with each other by standing near each other creating a cricle . Other people can than join in on that circle if the circle isn't set to private conversation and basically chit chat away, share computer screens, etc.

We ended up spending an evening of talking about development, life, geeky stuff and what not with about 30 or so people (drinking beers, having fun) and it was a real blast!

can really recommend this as a tool for meetups!

then one of the others came with "" which worked too, but was a bit more messy.

@Hendrik Peter %rrhU0o/CFBqmZJNRjvwPquhyL0uBBSRPuqBZUZ649C4=.sha256


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@Hendrik Peter %bWk8NAH56YO7Iwg98NQH18pR4EBnm7ecO6hNLnKL0nY=.sha256

Nice snow! we have just a tiny bitt less here in Sundsvall ;)


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@Hendrik Peter %VI6F9XDbx/Xg/KAVj0ThOrqM316p+KKsNjuZB8v6ZME=.sha256

@Tycho, only the organizer needs to create an account. It seems that Email and Password are fairly decoupled though as that self-same password can be used by any visitor to change the background image, assume the group-presenter role, etc. without having to provide the email address.

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