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@dan %o325QcK3F8JWaK+2zvBmjafYLJtxAM2cM1IJX1mk3us=.sha256

UI Pathways: 4 - 'Forward Shards'

The invocation of these pathways were established by @kieran in the original thread which should be read for the pre-amble). This thread is for discussion of this Pathway only


Adds a small amount of complexity but is intentionally in a separate arena from 'Return a Shard' so as to not confuse the actions (as stakes are high, right?). Allows a view of both shards that you hold that have not yet been forwarded using ShardList and shards that you have already forwarded using ForwardList, which are separated by tabs or a sidebar (or some other mechanism).


  • ForwardIndex - The Container view which displays the ShardList and ForwardList views / components
  • ForwardList - Lists all forwarded shards (using ShardShow)
  • ShardList
  • ShardShow
  • ForwardNew - second stage of this section used to select the identity of the recipient of the forward message. Feeds the relevant information to the DoubleCheck component and finally the AreYouSure component before submitting.


  • Select
  • CheckboxList
  • Timestamp
  • DoubleCheck
  • AreYouSure
@dan %+QuvA3gFY/hNP2yw/0XAjpmtUsSn3nEursZMF1iMN+c=.sha256

I have pulled out each of the Pathways into their own threads.
These can be found:

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