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@ev %oBMcNpTVxgS/2Tbrz0CFWmjvJtjoLAehZiTnoTgk+Bc=.sha256
Re: %+Gmu00ISD


the autoresponder says I'll check occasionally but fb messenger is a better way to reach me.

Ok, I think I mis-remembered. I should have emailed you first before trusting my memory.

The fb messenger link can't work for me, because I'm not on fb. I haven't been since the end of 2010! But that's part of the discussion we've been having here -- the challenge with eliminating email is you gotta offer people another way to get in touch. Though I encourage people to try sbot, and I think the lite client is pretty easy to get set up, I simultaneously don't think that it'd be fair to force people to communicate with me over sbot.

One thing that's missing from the sbot lite client is push notifications on a phone. I don't have a phone, so it'd be hard for me to test that.

I also wish OpenWhisper did federation

We had a conversation here early last year about Signal and their decision to not federate as the justification for auto-updates. I think we were talking about trying to find a way to sign and distribute sbot over the network in an automated way, while also avoiding centralization. It might be possible, but we haven't done that yet.

If your email server has 1 email address and especially if you keep changing that 1 email address you never build a history that other email services can trust. That's why you're in spam unless they add you to the contact list.

I've been using the same email address for a long time. But yah, I run my own email server which I'm not sure at least Google loves all that much. Someone told me to try DKIMs, but I haven't got around to that yet.

Maybe 2017 will bring a more international decentralised option?

I hope so.

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