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@dan %oClcZLg9q9A7GVPqSirm5JNvTtBNijr3BXGSfuTxoBY=.sha256
Re: %n44ycT+KP

@Alanna "In the cabal example, each person has their own secret to shard amongst the other group members. Unless I am misunderstanding something? In the case of a multi-sig wallet, which is the use case we're designing around, I think each member has a different seed they need to back up. So the cabal gathers all these, shards, and distributes."

+1 . This is also my understanding.

To help refresh memories I suggest running through MMT: Let's create a bitcoin multisig wallet (async) to see the steps and the secrets from each participants perspective.

Worth noting the seed/secret only exists in a useful/functional way with the existence of all the other seeds + the logic (quorum and number of participants). So there is certainly something about TIMING here. Also interesting to consider that we can assume the logic has been determined and agreed OUT OF BAND (in a call, in loomio, in messages, etc) BEFORE setting about STARTING the multisig invokation...

So, with these assumptions with this particular usecase in mind, we can assume that people would be able to do their bit and shard their seed in one sitting and async... unless I am missing something....

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