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@Hendrik Peter %oZHRwrFaq4Ir1bE9w16SqkMNiaaRAROdvhA5WScLLOg=.sha256

Hacknext 2020 was a blast!

My roommate and some close friends set out last Thursday (after quarantining ourselves for 1.5 weeks) to go for a 4-day code-retreat. no office coding, no work related stuff; just tinkering with things, making good food and playing board-games.

I managed to rebuilt my entire Aurora bot, integrating it with a hand-full of new data sources (since my old and only data-source is being worked on at the Kiruna Institute). I even managed to make a nice interactive map representing the data!

As well as a fancy looking tmux-powerline widget

Then the perfect opportunity presented itself on Saturday with the sky actually lighting up, triggering pretty much all my alarms, bells and whistles.

The next steps now are going to be to re-add multi-day predictive systems and include and add more data-points and then tweaking the timers and clocks in such a way that they send aurora alerts to different time-zones.

Anyway, the project is up on enjoy!

@Hendrik Peter %+1R+SN1aUmdZkfZDLw+j91viRHtZwxvuW2oboDjy6nU=.sha256

Some bonus-aerial footage of our "stuga" (cabin):


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