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@ev %or9oWYmAwztxXfrvZjsswLVLUdL6akstw/hVH83lJlU=.sha256
Re: %EcGxhkiZO

yah @gb, listen to me.

@dominic is right. I told you this when you were writing your grant proposal. There is no possible way for you to win this grant. This grant process has always been set up as a boys club, with all of the associated politics that go with it.

I told you so. Even though there were two proposals, and three slots, your proposal would be written off because for vague reasons. If they hadn't written you off for 'being vague', you'd have been written off for 'your personality' or 'not collaborating good enough'.

Even though only one of the proposals had anything specific, you would be written off as being vague. Just as I said, before you even got involved here, that you'd need to be able to fight these boys club politics until the end. You are 100% unable to play boys club politics, because you're a girl, sorry.

As I told you, this is case-in-point why women drop out of tech. Because a few men get all of the money, and they give it out to their friends. You've fallen for this before, and been unwilling to fight the politics until the end. You should stop now.

Give it up, you're not going to get this grant. It's already been decided that you are not going to play in this grant round. Listen to the adjudicator, he is emotionally exhausted. Give him a break, he has enough going on. Even though he probably could have just given you the grant, and then not had to play politics all week.

This isn't a democracy, it doesn't matter that beans backs you, mix backs you, teq backs you, noffle backs you, bob backs you, and whomever else in the community is willing to put in a good word backs you. Heck, I even would back you, if I thought there was any chance of you getting a grant in this impossible political environment.

In the next grant round there will be 4+ grants, put forth by people better connected than you, better coders than you, and running more in the in-crowd than you. If you push off to the next round, you will be written off because all of the projects are much more attractive than yours.


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