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@mmckegg %oth2Ljb1di7BpGZNiXPBb1dB4S5naa1d9F0yfijNpCs=.sha256
Re: %DxQpzCl/x


Got pretty stuck into sameAs tonight!

I now have a hacky version working on a branch, with profile, mentions, and follow merging for all of your identities (which are resolved using ssb-same-as)!

Still need to do channel subscriptions, and follow merging needs a lot of work to make it handle all the edge cases. How do we handle if one identity follows and another blocks? We don't have access to timestamps with ssb-friends, so either gonna have to use a different index, or get creative!

Not to mention private messages, or the UI for doing the actual merging. But finally I'm starting to see some results!

There is also a lot of work needed to make this efficient. I'm already noticing a bit of a load-time increase :turtle:

Good effort, now I'm going to bed.

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