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@Dominic %oyVSvzLfWiAxsH0TdtCddSmqAGzNuMZ9aiKjhZG9bJ4=.sha256
Re: %QR+g7Rrtl

I'm a bit confused by the level of detail given here - I see that the Allocator basically has full discression about how they allocate funds, which I don't necessarily object to, but I'm not clear on transparency/accounting side of this. I see mentions of Request for Change, etc, which sound good, but I think I need to see templates of what these Requests, and Changes, etc look like before I feel like I understand this proposal.

[3] They may also publish an explanation of how they decided the names and amounts, if they want to.

I think "may" is the wrong word here. If someone refused to say where the money was going to that would make me very worried. I'm doubtful any legal entity is allowed to do things like this aside from "petty cash".

I also worry about having "Attach no strings" in the goal list. Because we do have expectations and goals. I think more friction will come if we pretend there isn't expectations than if we are just explicit about them. I'm just talking about processes like keeping dev-diaries, though.

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