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@Dominic %pzpaniYD7NfwZ0wEZl5PDqmKTxC4jIpKpvPD78pE4Wk=.sha256
Re: %FKm5Kz1BN

@ev hey, if there was one single thing, it's that you don't listen. You don't realize that we actually care and are trying to help, and you misinterpret our actions as against you. If you can't think of anything you might have done better... well maybe you should put some effort into that.

Btw, mix was not threatening her, that was a warning. If I see you running with scissors, and I say "please don't run with scissors, if you trip you could hurt yourself badly" that isn't a threat, because I'm not the one that will hurt you.

what he actually said:

I wish you could trust to let people support you for next month, and work with you. My fear is you persist with winning some grant conversation but end up losing a bunch of friends and support ... which is a long term lose. I also fear you won't hear what I'm saying and write it off.

So for example, could appologise for taking things out of context. Anyway, I'm gonna activate the block button and let you think about that a while. Might unblock you in a month.

one more piece of life advice: when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

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