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@plomlompom %tUTLxZgoSB3p1KuvtZMxUKy49JJ41uq/idx+m8QfmyI=.sha256

Some quick notes on #cccamp19:

  • met lots of euro burners there – especially from #Borderland, who did their own talk (which I haven't watched yet): [0]
  • me and my friends' tiny 3 people village were part of the #1komona village cluster, which collected a rather anarchist/solarpunky/queer spectrum of participants; we organized in daily plena of affinity group delegates, had our own communal kitchen and weird movies cinema, lots of public domes for events and hanging out and education material, our own street sign system, a silent disco party, and a mock territorial infight between Upper and Lower Komona that climaxed in the erection of a separating wall
  • as is to be expected, there was lots of art and fun installations and spaces; honorary mention goes to the "micro Berghain" club (established near the c-base village with its micro Berliner Fernsehturm) – the simulation involved lots of queue waiting and a merciless selection by a strict bouncer, but I managed to bribe them with vegan waffles
  • I got me a new gifting bag, and since I heard several people suffer loss of their bags in the chaos of the event, I tied mine to my belt with an old network cable, to pull at me if I should forget to carry it with me – which happened quite a few times, so it was probably a good idea …
  • a scuttlebutt village was part of our #komona village cluster, and I finally managed to meet some people from here :)

#CCC events carry a lot of utopianism with them, ideals of #decentralization and #self-organization and emancipatory struggles which are hard to meet under the best of circumstances, so there always remains a lot to criticize and improve – the camp of course is no expection; I had many conversations about the exclusion of lower-income people through the high ticket prices and (unusually?) restrictive handling of lower-income ticket options, about class divisions within the event – who has to pay or work for what or is afforded what privileges (the Mobile Infoshop village of Komona did a nice workshop on that: [1]) –, and about the struggle between self-organization of participants/villages and centralizing power structures, informal and intransparent event orga hierarchies etc. I hope to see much more work and discussion on these matters in future Chaos events. Having regularly attended CCC events for ~16 years now, I feel that Komona is a productive new influence there.


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