@jolyon hide the messages in jokes that only new zealanders will get.
I must admit that thread had me going for several posts. I cannot remember which post tipped me into the realisation my leg was being pulled. Even then I applauded the performance :)
@jolyon there is still plenty who are slow to catch on! Anyway, we can't use stenography now because it will implicate @nanomonkey.
I thought this thread could use a picture, no reason.
It definitely doesn't have a secret message cryptographically embedded in it, because no one has implemented that yet. but if it did you wouldn't be able to tell.
did you get that okay @jolyon?
Your secrets are safe with me.
protip: stenography usually hides information in the least significant bits, so a "noisy" images works better (like the grass, and water in my image) the avocado @tim uses is more smooth, so can't hide as much. This could be a good tactic if you don't have much to encrypt or want to look like you have nothing to hide. But we arn't hiding anything because no one has implemented stenography.
ps, not to be confused with steganography which is a chorded typing method that they use to record court transcripts.
cc: #steganography
@nanomonkey when you fill out the immigration form, you can enter @jolyon and I as your "official friends", that will shift you to the top of queue, and also there is a refer-a-friend tax credit for us!
haha, on my todo list is to implement a feature which compresses all images before blobifying ... that'd kinda kill the stenography vibe.
p.s. I know one user who has already used stenography in their avatar