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@mmckegg %wEEUSbDTSp7uJ2h08lPyULQwI0sDMFxuRnkFiappvjk=.sha256
Re: %DxQpzCl/x


Today has been one of those.... frustrating sorts :poop:

Been attempting to repair patchwork (so that I can get Patchwork 3.8.7 released) after a series of breaking changes were published as patch releases to some scuttlebot dependencies .

I discovered the following using whathappened and some experimentation with swapping deps:

  • ssb-client@4.5.4 broke patchcore because it no longer had a default caps key (mostly patchcore's fault here because it shouldn't have assumed)
  • ssb-client@4.5.5 broke a lot of random things in patchwork because it forced an upgrade of muxrpc to version 7, which apparently still has some issues to work through.
  • secret-stack@4.0.2 also force upgraded the muxrpc dep

After pinning ssb-client and secret-stack, patchwork at least loads now.

However for some reason it is not holding connections to pub servers. It connects for about 3 seconds and then drops, rotating around a few pubs.

I'm pretty over this today, so I'm giving up. Might try again next week.

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