{ "type": "edit", "branch": "%uCiBgr5IM0gF38sa7hka9t95J4Iyw53KCKz7NSFzGxM=.sha256", "root": "%9dFsv59km06sZyd0BFSMI50TjHImkY41eEdl+zJgYtM=.sha256", "updated": "%uCiBgr5IM0gF38sa7hka9t95J4Iyw53KCKz7NSFzGxM=.sha256", "original": "%uCiBgr5IM0gF38sa7hka9t95J4Iyw53KCKz7NSFzGxM=.sha256", "text": "[@andrestaltz](@QlCTpvY7p9ty2yOFrv1WU1AE88aoQc4Y7wYal7PFc+w=.ed25519) I appreciate that you've [taken my side on urging dominic to implement a way to delete feeds](%L8FaSygmLtMEqDA0X/w3V4ilvYlGKGmwglm/jcN6r8M=.sha256).\n\nI don't appreciate that you've blocked me for continuing to bring up a vulnerability with the system that we're using and have been coding on for years.\n\nI realize that your popularity may be on the line here, but I'm right and you are right that feed delete needs to happen now. \n\nYour dehumanization of me, quote \"this person\", for continuing to bring up vulnerabilities in this system is scary and troubling to me. ", "mentions": [ { "link": "@QlCTpvY7p9ty2yOFrv1WU1AE88aoQc4Y7wYal7PFc+w=.ed25519", "name": "andrestaltz" }, { "link": "%L8FaSygmLtMEqDA0X/w3V4ilvYlGKGmwglm/jcN6r8M=.sha256", "name": "taken my side on urging dominic to implement a way to delete feeds" } ] }