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@Lenny Abramov %yCfgvTwz7y/eOoUjM8SgPkgXriBe9b2XvtaOYBgYdd0=.sha256
Re: %gTHLf3Rlc

I’m in favour of groups but against channels and tags, as I think they contradict the subjectivity principle.

It's true that any community is free to interpret, say, "patchwork" its own way - as a piece of software or a thing made of fabric or whatever else. But when I type #patchwork I'm not just talking to a human community, I'm also talking to a mechanism that assumes that the referent of my "patchwork" is the same as that of every other "patchwork" in my network. This is a strong anti-subjective assumption.

For example my real-life social network includes both Italian and Spanish speakers. I might be talking about "burro" in Italian ("butter"), and about "burro" in Spanish ("donkey"). Or the ambiguity could be much more subtle, for instance when talking about "god". No algorithm could disambiguate that. I might believe that you and I are talking about the same thing when we say “god”, but you might think otherwise.

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