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@ev %yLQkjAqY3RuA1Q8DVnREtHM5uT34e4iPIdzuaK7MG58=.sha256
Re: %EcGxhkiZO

@noffle hey! This peace deal is more about getting @gb and I onto the same page so that we can chill out and stop arguing about this.

Now I can go back to cooking, and she can go back to yoga-ing -- as @elavoie suggested that we do. I can get back to coding, and she can get back to learning how to code. That's a win for both of us, and perhaps all of us, I think.

Now the grant process can fizzle out as the last three grants are issued to mixpiral folks, and the rest of the money can be transferred into a maintenance fund where it will be given to mix's friends.

@noffle You may want to consider that you are also not a part of mixspiral, and that your voice was not heard during this process either. While you supported gb's proposal, it still remains unfunded.

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