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@tim %zHj3nA+AYCKq2MUjLuWSa/fSNc6Wauallkt56cKNbgA=.sha256
Re: %SXpL4ZR1l

I find myself agreeing with @keks

I'd actually like to see a greater abstraction. The word "like" forecloses meaning (just as "friend" does - a term I believe that we overload at different points of the stack but that's another conversation). I think it's great that people use it to mean more than a simple "like" but you also see people to hesitate to "like" a post that contains sad news or a distressing news story where those extra meanings come into conflict with the literal label.

(Let's leave aside the bookmarking function of likes as well where I'm liking something to make it easier to find in future.)

How about a dig/vote/like button that said something loosely analogous to the Zen Koan response: "Mu"?

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