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Feed of @Rich
@Rich %xon4Lvv6YTMnYHp8wkICZQ9IkUk6pUT1iCgEcKBfSBM=.sha256
Voted [@Richard D. Bartlett](@3r4+IyB5NVl2in6QOZHIu9oSrZud+NuVgl2GX3x2WG8=.ed2551
@Rich %ulLwNfe2EoH00OMPSC9E4AZtdT5jP75Ky8dTcpiRCPk=.sha256
Voted It's perfect, [@cameralibre](@UhORGzAhEE3gqy/pH5vK+EgbpZfnyYvdI46TVBJH6Mw=.
@Rich %J4LgsZVk0UlSisM99kTMx9yQXPWXdvMYvzGgGy32zQI=.sha256
Voted ![photo_2020-03-26_13-17-54.jpg](&eDH+kETBul6+mTMz7lH5gKdQn92ayOXu7TZ1Zw/o1
@Rich %1MyUI2VzHOeFXd6xXXOLkwSGossmjNnrs1bo9uwMCC4=.sha256

rich with face mask

Nati made us DIY facemasks which may or may not be effective but definitely make me feel cool

@Rich %ZO0QE7WbYn0j0CTpwpnT9WwF6okL8o8qqgQQZ8QMODk=.sha256
Voted # Golden Bay to the Far North (continuing on from [Auckland to Wellingto
@Rich %CDBXz7ebJpKmP8HKViDtyFw5cCV/xptmNMPYtHgzRZo=.sha256
Voted ![An illustration by Angelica of a thousand twinkling stars set in a glowin
@Rich %W61o23ktImeAfjZMDhe2wAoexFtSPTdg+eoRcH9GWAs=.sha256
Voted Good enough to be able to get a quote for prototypes. From sketch to rev 1.
@Rich %23W5DFP+OELVmy3Pl4hkTxnwt3Sbpta8SCZsU1ob6nk=.sha256
Voted # Artificially Generating Thermals [Thermals](

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