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Feed of @Joshua Smith

In Pittsburg. Wandering and sometimes lost.

@Joshua Smith %auKZrytyUYunBdAUHqkJIBGqgi79HX3AcCPaNK+aCSM=.sha256

planetary attachment no.1

@Joshua Smith %d9VNUnWv+kS8PbzjtngDY0UCt8FcKwbESsKyxbmz0zI=.sha256
Followed @Poetry Pub
@Joshua Smith %mwbkY0rNh59NlPU5G7cvGASFm8/WOmAyK7ZHOM067TA=.sha256
Connected to the pub
@Joshua Smith %a0lKytfJ6nRmIggWgdhc4KCKRO0dx5c3RzBxo+j5FwE=.sha256
Followed @Cooking Pub
@Joshua Smith %YFk/fntJNRZQST+6LwP6tnjp9aVEnNltCfjfMy0arOk=.sha256
Connected to the pub
@Joshua Smith %cj1cIAVlmc2JXrXcH1nwpnaf02H1v/GuabYoCJz8P5k=.sha256

Stuck on the Ohio waiting for the lock to reopen after the storm passes.

planetary attachment no.1

@Joshua Smith %KqL65UQ5mzPtqhKCoPTRw6D0e3HpSEG/OopAdPGVGRU=.sha256
Followed @FLOSS Pub
@Joshua Smith %1TlmEyt/eW9wb+i8saT4RSSyJmFrsvYo3krrOgDeUxM=.sha256
Connected to the pub
@Joshua Smith %gg1pDttABpqKJ30N6d3pzoNRTWBNfUUHLWmrRl2gZnQ=.sha256
Followed @Planetary System Pub 2
@Joshua Smith %TL+h1MTTIDrJO/BfarVdoZAjTbnOXOOhdl0qfwkJ/qU=.sha256
Followed @Planetary System Pub 1

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