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Feed of @isvarahparamahkrsnah

@isvarahparamahkrsnah %SqLED0bba9Hqi8xHb5cwkUzByk74sIQPvr2DVwr14mk=.sha256

Coronavirus lockdown is going fine.
I'm bored.

Spent the last few days browsing through the media to check the updates but now I'm done with that.
I've made my predictions. The pandemic isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I can't waste several hours a day poring over the news. It's a disaster. It's depressing.

I invited some guys over to Signal to chat. ~70% of the messages are from me. Looks like nobody else's interested in that either.

Time to find a new hobby.

#coronavirus #signal

@isvarahparamahkrsnah %0Zo6KG4uLtfKUs4hKTi0vpUbLlLnvDR6GUlnQTe+Cxo=.sha256

So many countries going into lockdown.

Well, at least I know I'm not the only one bored at home.


@isvarahparamahkrsnah %zr+1UvZkw9oPq6qHycAVgXWXgexcoE99LZT3IWqh/wo=.sha256
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@isvarahparamahkrsnah %N5zediRwxAClD+y0JUGhUgTvDGNnxatFfpDUauLzrrw=.sha256
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@isvarahparamahkrsnah %PfTh6Q9A0ucdocqnuXYk9JYSK3kQc4w9WvtYJ3eUppQ=.sha256
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@isvarahparamahkrsnah %caBh4G2f6rjuUBtJAK1uS/llYA+TPMMKA2iPrCo2D1k=.sha256

Total lockdown has been initiated. Even malls and grocery stores remain shut.
90% of the population has not prepared for the pandemic.

These coming days are going to be really tough for the majority.

Current infected cases 500+
Number of infected cases rising by almost 100 with each passing day.

I predict the total number of infected cases to rise to 10,000+ within the next 2 weeks.
Peak number of infections will be around 1,000,000 cases within the next few months. Maybe more.

@isvarahparamahkrsnah %kJcyvcy2tuGSkKbY1Qbj2Do/0SBzxagzocM5CMqKBbM=.sha256
Re: %ja15+D7JL

Infections are rising with each day. Government has initiated total lockdown.
A crowd of genius minds walk the streets blaring music and clapping to show support for the medics fighting Covid-19.
Nobody's wearing masks. No social distancing.
Cops show up. Whack the bunch and book 'em in.
This just happened.

I live in a country where people make tiktok jokes about everything and think they're invincible to the virus.

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