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Feed of @Alex
@Alex %CcU6kChaI+XOiD5B4zqDKrsuX5LSbmIBrEG+294oXzE=.sha256
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@Alex %B9khlXfC3jeBV4ummkZ6dwACeCkvl1vNIWEvg5RrkDA=.sha256
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@Alex %zzI6xnl4NU7hwwHB23enJ3tjJMTSMcWG8aDmksvfbvg=.sha256
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@Alex %HP0NNRodY67DdSujHgidedT/reKNYnrMLPJ/lpOjNpM=.sha256
Re: %SE5sSooGF

At least on patchbay the default feed is sorted by updated. I think years-old things are shown as new when someone has commented on or like their post, and I think in some cases just because it's new to me it's at the top?

It's a bit bonkers and I mostly just have it set to "start" rather than "update".

@Alex %Mo3S9gw0VG/Hc5MkMlbpEJtcs+Tn/uvAdablH230vbs=.sha256
Re: %4IaXv618/

I tried out SSB / Patchwork a while ago and there were some of the dev.s and another Rust based project to re-implement a lot of the protocol+db bits. I must have been connecting to a different pub, but I can't remember any details.

I have the .ssb from that machine but Patchbay didn't seem to pick up on it.

@Alex %IZ1NGC/axz3BS/Nz/FFSFjXuGEgy7Ln/9FAMTKcshC0=.sha256
Changed something in about
  "type": "about",
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@Alex %xeXff0QJcAlCylsJkTlW5HSSuifcNQnXGIxpPFFPrug=.sha256
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@Alex %7UtR9L5kyTzpEgp6+PTGZMoFlxk8N7suZnt5GeompiE=.sha256
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@Alex %cTZod+18ZglpWX1DGs2BwmOWIsHaIJEIkXqO5x5o1/E=.sha256
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@Alex %CebKZBmpMqm/JxSjraaCFGaZWgkbmabDR7Fj1GN+1n4=.sha256
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