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Feed of @prometheuz

Who am I really?
Where did I come from?
What am I doing here?
What comes next?
When will I find out all these things?

Life is a Universal Kosmic Principle, and no more than Atman does it belong to individuals.

@prometheuz %aPygEcKIe/riH5ifB8Z9dqslYgg3gnnFKLR/p164vek=.sha256

Is there actually anyone alive here? or covid scared the hell out of everybody! hugs and hope you all doing well.

@prometheuz %3kG/lVWCKQefYjVzpRoGiv8mHOwmCGgPz3wT0FxLi4s=.sha256
Voted We also need to raise the ratio of SSB-related servers per user. The easier
@prometheuz %Xs15MaQsD5dG0RVyfjjzpFx86nk7nyovSaKVxuUR3FA=.sha256
Re: %8h2sOSHnY

Ah hah! gotcha! lol

@prometheuz %xGCc8Z5Ejv01gxVJk4o5xQiOpzUPUT0Y5mCPJAK7ngM=.sha256
Voted OK, So I'm finally wrapping my mind around #federated vs #decentralized ser
@prometheuz %phneW7jSspy36qaQ2ENNl4j/CkQY2qB3Fz4+IjruM74=.sha256
Voted i've installed #pidgin's #gpg plugin. who wants to have an encrypted chat
@prometheuz %H15HcoPSRcuY4DZuiISR9GzLD6uW9CKx6S8DnEYJ2Yk=.sha256
Followed @inoas
@prometheuz %fTCMa1aIv//tM/af+jHv+IrUYNZhH2ZMY3BkU1fIEc8=.sha256
Voted Back to the original post: you might be interested in checking out the #moi
@prometheuz %X4yVDNob7BbtUZwQiaTzmxVCRurrqvpqYP6GzqXOdRg=.sha256
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