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Feed of @xloem

A man explains in this 30-page booklet how he stopped a war between nations in a single day of talk, even though the leaders at the mediation table had killed members of each others' families. For more study, book and workbook.

I am a computer programmer and wilderness survivalist with cognitive decline. I am full of eternal hope, and can't find my toothbrush.

@xloem %z0J+dblp25AU73aYVDdluMu7U7WoXVSeZVOJWFMUuJ8=.sha256
Re: %+i3FtYp9J

This doesn't appear to work for me. The first run of git push ssb <commit>:master works fine, but then when I try to move <commit> forward for the next run, I get fatal: pack has 1513 unresolved deltas

@xloem %lOIuVM3KzVXOmeg0jCbXfGBm70se4BkT2/VV4TDLH+g=.sha256
Did a git update in repo ikiwiki
    @xloem %CvgZ0EHwszsusW9zRoDuhtfR7Q5DAZccfMIgHXV38mo=.sha256
    Did a git update in repo intellect
    • -
    • simple random approach
    • self-process-reference cpp file
    @xloem %ZhYEPK68ehbhuoZzQ8gwpob4Amhys1NVCVDknBRjYMc=.sha256
    Did a git update in repo metashare
      @xloem %+ffTpd01z4k8bYhanJhDkXt+5329UuOCXcOdDQCKV7w=.sha256
      Followed @naphthalin
      @xloem %i1vmjeCGKY0Sj54tzxUFD0mP3jpr6f25uYhNYQeLVuU=.sha256
      Followed @ptx
      @xloem %iDlGjqUH1uDCFnErfc1DRwJpN2pzrgfe7XkwdcfxVkY=.sha256
      Followed @The Scuttleverse Herald
      @xloem %Y3mI+4lBRJdI4AA9IPUBrhJkT+7LB4llweqkdNrSDHI=.sha256
      Voted Oh hi, that was me! Thanks for posting it! I went with the IRC because it s
      @xloem %IieQ0hLSv920jr1Z/huye9Y4tLePmdbRzY7/VSYZeZY=.sha256
      @xloem %7LP70oukixGvLO8E8DN+3OGdOgFzzmMlkd0BHeeQeoU=.sha256
      Re: %TY/EVt7IQ

      So, I went to its page, and quickly found %/OnzsXm... which is the author's post on scuttlebutt.

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